At Bordeaux, our mission is to create beautiful wedding films that capture the special moments and unique stories of couples and their nuptial celebrations. We strive to set a new standard of excellence in wedding filmmaking, producing films that are inspiring and full of energy. Our hope is that our films will help to bring couples together to celebrate their milestone and inspire young people to come together in love and marriage.

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    Madison + Riley

    Madison and Riley's wedding video preserved the unforgettable memories of their big day, from their first kiss to their romantic first dance. The video also included shots of the couple and their bridal party, along with the special toasts shared by family and friends

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    Kaylien + Bo

    Kaylien and Bo's wedding video documented the magical moments of their wedding day from start to finish, from the moment they shared their first kiss to their beautiful first dance. It also featured shots of the couple and their bridal party, as well as the many touching toasts given by family and friends

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    Blair + JP

    Blair and Jp’s wedding video recorded the joyous occasion of their big day, from the tender first kiss to their romantic first dance. It also featured footage of the couple and their bridal party, as well as the heartfelt speeches by family and friends


    Paige + Aaron

    Paige and Aaron’s wedding video immortalised the happy memories from their nuptials, from the moment they sealed their love with a kiss to the moment they shared their first dance. The video also showcased the couple and their bridal party, along with the many heartfelt words shared by family and friends.